Jessica has hit some huge milestones in the last 2.5 years!

When you have a client for a while, you think they might stop achieving but not at Get A Grip and certainly NOT Jessica! You will read her accomplishments below but I do what to say, she continues to impress me and I love to watch her get out of her comfort zone. Like it or not, she puts in 150% into the workouts. She has built a great group of friends and you’ll see through her spotlight her flare of sarcasm. It wouldn’t be her story without it.

She truly is amazing and I am SO looking forward to her 5K (I must be there) as that will by far be her biggest accomplishment this first half of the year! For someone who hates exercise and says she stops everything she sure does kid us! 9am Class and Get A Grip would NOT be the same without her!

Jessica is also a big fan of spreading the word about our Get A Grip Family, which I would like to thank her. But, the true blessing in that is she too, plays a BIG part of helping someone change their life and for that there is nothing better!

Here is her story…

The best way to explain how Carrie’s boot camp has affected my life is to simply list my fitness accomplishments before and after joining Get a Grip Total Fitness.

My nutrition/fitness goals accomplished BEFORE boot camp (birth-2008):

*Nada. Nothing. Zilch. Niente. Niets.

My nutrition/fitness goals accomplished AFTER boot camp (2009-present):

*Attended a grueling boot camp three times each week. (Grueling is an understatement.)

*Completed “Spartan 1000” in 1:32:50 without dying. (I looked like death but I did it!)

*Ran Miles for Moffitt (one mile) event. (I still believe you should only run if the cops are chasing you.)

*Lost 50+ inches of body fat from my neck to my ankles while increasing my lean muscle mass. (Including losing  “parts” I thought were permanent like the ‘tank top overlap of skin’—LOST IT!)

*Completed the 21-day Belly Blast Challenge and lost 3+ inches in my waist. (I still don’t believe water is a “snack” but I learned so much more from the challenge than I thought!)

*Tried classes/workshop that I NEVER thought I would show my face in: kettlebell, nutrition planning, grocery store tours, TRX, yoga, hard core abs, etc.

*Completed home workouts while on vacation!!! (I am usually sitting on my butt, drinking a glass of wine and eating foods that are not nutritious.)

*Found inspiration and accountability in other campers and hopefully offered the same to them. (I know if I miss a class with the excuse “I just didn’t feel like going”, the girls will be all over my Facebook wall tormenting me!)

*Learned positive eating habits and that one day “off the wagon” doesn’t have to be an entire month. J

My nutrition/fitness goals for 2012:

*Run a 5K and finish!

*Continue to attend boot camp three times each week.

*Cross train two other days each week with either yoga or running.

*Continue to make better food choices with NO “diets”.

*Push myself to try things I would normally not do if there was a gun to my head (see “Run a 5K”).

This may all sound ridiculous and exaggerated but I promise you if I can do these things, anyone can do them. I have never had a single shred of athleticism or coordination in my body and, yet, I accomplished all these physical goals.

The way I explain boot camp (our cult) to potential members is that it’s fail-proof. Carrie gives you ALL the tools you need to succeed so the only way you can fail is if you simply don’t show up or talk yourself out of trying. Those who know me all thought I would quit this “fad” like I did a million others in the past. I’m not exactly known for sticking with my exercise regimen. J But, I can proudly say that after two and a half years in boot camp, I don’t plan on quitting for anything or anyone.

Jessica and her Husband Justin!

Congrats Jessica for continuing to grow and achieve! You’re an inspiration to many!