by Get a Grip Total Fitness | Health & Fitness, Nutrition
7 Sources Of Healthy Low Carb Fiber Foods Ah fiber, we hear so much chatter about it on a daily basis, yet many of us fail to get enough in our diet. Even worse, a lot of us are completely oblivious of what it does, or why you should be getting more in your diet. Are...
by Get a Grip Total Fitness | Health & Fitness, Nutrition
Today is the First “ME” Monday! I wanted to give you “momentum” to your week by giving you tools and strategies you can use to make reaching your goals that much easier. I will be sharing with you what “I” do and use to reach my...
by Get a Grip Total Fitness | Health & Fitness, Nutrition
Another Tool To Help you lose weight… What do you eat when you have only 15 minutes to walk out the door but just woke up? What happens when you don’t have enough time to make a lunch to bring to work? What happens when you simply aren’t in the mood to cook? The...
by Get a Grip Total Fitness | Health & Fitness, Motivation, Nutrition
1. When you’re done eating move from the table, so you don’t eat more! 2. Be careful standing around a snack table. 3. Use a smaller dish/plate. 4. Make sure you have ½ a plate of healthy foods. 5. Throw away your plate when you done eating. You can always get...
by Get a Grip Total Fitness | Motivation, Nutrition, Spotlight Stories
This is one person who truly amazes me. One of Shawna's children has a very rare disability and requires a lot of attention and is in and out the hospital more often than not. As long as I have known Shawna, she has never complained about it once. The only reason...
by Get a Grip Total Fitness | Free Workouts, Motivation, Nutrition
I was approached back in April by a dear friend of mine about holding a clothing drive to benefit Dress for Success of Tampa Bay. I didn't want to just tell people to bring clothes to the studio on "x' day. I wanted it to be something more! I came up with...