When I share these spotlight’s on our amazing member stories, they write their own story and choose their own pictures. I don’t lead them, i just tell them, they are awesome and need to share it with others (plus, it could help someone else who may share the same struggles – it’s an easier way to get them to do it as they are all so generous and have kind souls).
It is a win for all. I always learn more about our amazing members, they actually see all they have accomplished (as we tend to always look forward and forget where we started and how much we have done for the good), and they get the opportunity to maybe through their story help someone else start their fitness & health journey. I receive countless emails and phone calls where they had read one of these and it changed their life. Thats a BIG deal.
Shantel has been with us for a over 3 years. We have watched her evolve on SO many levels. I am unable to convey how proud I am of her. She works hard, encourages others, is committed to making changes for herself and for her family, and I love that she let’s us twist her arm to try new challenges along the way (like Triathlons, Runs, and etc.). She is very tough on herself which is good and bad as we all know. I am determined to continue to remind her of all she has accomplished and to be proud of herself for all her wins! Get a Grip is a better place because of her.
I’m looking forward to 2016 and what we can talk her into next 🙂
Here is her story and by the looks of the photo, I’ d say she has a few successes (well, how about many)…
The front of her shirt said “I survived the Spartan 1000 Challenge” and on the back, it was listed out –
100 Jump Squats
200 Push Ups
300 Full Sit Ups
400 Burpees
My first thought was “WHY?!?” followed by, “What’s a burpee any way?” That was about 3 years ago when I saw Kelly wearing that shirt and I will admit that I was intrigued. She had been talking about this new gym she joined and how amazing it was, so I finally agreed to go to a bootcamp with her. I was really intimidated and just kept praying that I would be able to make it through class without embarrassing myself. I could barely run around my block, so how in the world did I think I could handle bootcamp?? But I did it and I haven’t looked back!
It’s really hard to put into words what GAG has done for me personally. I have always been my own worst enemy when it comes to diet and exercise. Self-doubt would usually cause me to shy away from trying something new. I might set a goal for myself, but I’d never tell anyone else so that if I didn’t reach it, no one would know I had failed. That had always been my mindset before, but not now!
At GAG I want people to know my goals, not just to hold me accountable, but also because I know that they will help me reach them! Carrie goes above and beyond to give us every tool we need to be successful and the other members are always there with support and encouragement and to share their own experiences to help you achieve whatever new goal you’re trying to reach! I think that is the major difference between GAG and other gyms. We have amazing coaches that truly care about you and your success, but we also have amazing members….members that welcome you from day one and encourage you when you’re feeling overwhelmed and push you when they know you can do more! We are each other’s biggest cheerleaders and we are each other’s teammates that we depend on for support and knowledge and humor to get through any situation!
The friendships that are built while bonding over burpees and box jumps and 6am runs in the rain can never be broken! I have accomplished things over the past few years that I would have never even dreamed of attempting before finding GAG!! The support that we get from our coaches and the support we give one another makes this group unstoppable! And I’m proud to be a part of that! I’m proud to look at the other members and see the things they are accomplishing! From 5K’s to Marathons to Triathlons….there is nothing we can’t do! And knowing I have this level of support gives me the courage to challenge myself to try the next thing and to push myself to the next level. I have the confidence to try because I know my GAG family will not let me fail!
I read somewhere that you should always surround yourself with people that challenge you, push you and motivate you. That is exactly what I found when I joined GAG and that’s what I hope to be to other people. I want people to see me and think, “Wow…if she can do it, then so can I!” because it’s true! I want to be that example to my family and my friends and I want to make them proud! I want my son to see me not give up on a goal that I have set so that when the time comes when he wants to quit something, he will choose to keep going. GAG has given that to me and I can never thank Carrie enough for what she does for all of us! 2015 was EPIC! I can’t wait to see this group DOMINATE 2016!!
(As you can see she is one amazing lady – love her!)