When Jen came to boot camp, I wasn’t sure if she liked it. She can be hard to read (well then she was). She did awesome the first day she walked in the door. I knew if she stayed, she would get the results she was looking for, because she had everything it took to succeed. I was SO excited when she chose to stay! And you will read in her story, she has done just what I thought – exceed her goals! Every day she continues to achieve and I’m looking forward to seeing what is next.
Here is her story…
After my second son was born, I was in dire need to bring sexy back. However, I just couldn’t find an outlet that fit my ADD workout needs. There was always an excuse to justify how I couldn’t consistently hit the community gym, run in the neighborhood, attend the local spin class, or push play on the pilates DVD. So when my sister called that she had found the most unbelievable deal on groupon for Get A Grip, my very desperate self-whipped out the credit card.
When I walked into the studio on the first night, I had a panic attack and started cursing my sister under my breath. Inside my head, warning bells were screaming bright red. I was thinking there was no possible way I was in shape for this sort of bootcamp. I started sweating bullets, fixated on one fact. I was going to severely embarrass myself in front of all these strangers after I barely finished a warm-up lap around the building. Yet, somehow I actually survived that most difficult hour and I knew that the fitness gods had answered my cries. Carrie was the fierce leader I had been searching for and her bootcamp classes were going to constantly evolve to hold my attention. I was finally on the right track to achieving my pre-baby bod.
Yet, my perfect fitness formula came together exactly one week from my first class. My neighbor and I were at the playground and she observed my slimmer shape. Marci was having similar work-out issues and eagerly attended the next class. From that point on, I had my recipe for success: Carrie, Marci, and Motivation.
Since joining the GAG family in January 2012, I have dropped two clothing sizes and wearing pants that I had blown off as “back during my skinny days.” That is really all small potatoes compared to the vast amounts of energy I feel throughout the entire day. I easily conquer all facets of life from working full-time, keeping pace with my two boys, and spending time with my supportive hubby. To top it off, I just completed my first 5K and signed up for a mud-obstacle run next month. This is truly a humongous accomplishment in itself for me, considering that I REALLY HATE TO RUN.
I would lastly like to give a shout out to my fellow bootcampers in the BACK CORNER. You all are such a positive, entertaining, inspiring group and are literally my fitness rock. I love how we have formed such endearing bonds and still push each other’s limits. It might appear as if we are clowning around, however, we are just having mini-competitions against each other. I look forward to many years, yes years, of intense work-outs because I am so addicted to spinach shakes and Get A Grip.