This spotlight is long awaited. Sean owns Golden City Gymnastics with his wife, Toni which I rent their gym for my Brandon Boot Camp. Without them, I would have never had the chance to work with all the amazing people in that camp! I’m very thankful for this

Sean has been attending the boot camp since DAY ONE! 3 years in total. His commitment is something I am SO proud of and he should be, too! He has lost over 50lbs and is stronger than an OX! He brings it EVERY class! He is one of a kind. He comes in his sweat pants and sweatshirt and sweats it out! We don’t know how he does it with all that on, but he does and he kills it every time!

One thing about Sean we all love, is he is so encouraging to everyone else. He’s the first to high five people and cheer other people on. He not only does it for himself but loves to help others. Not only am I grateful for him letting me rent this gym, but grateful to have him as a part of the boot camp, and as a good friend.

Here is his story (how he tells it)...

3 years ago I was 157lbs and eating everything under the sun. Fast foods, donuts, sodas; you name it, I was eating it!

Then I met this bubbly lady with blonde hair and a contagious smile. Who says, “I’m looking for a place here in Brandon to open a fitness boot camp and thought your place would be perfect.” I told her we would think about it. Something about Carrie was positive. So, here we are 3 years later and we’re still going strong. I am a solid 200lbs, I have very low body fat, and I’m in the best shape of my life! Not only did I get fit physically, but mentally as well. Plus, I eat much healthier and my mind is always looking for ways to get even better! All life-changing to say the least!

I just ran my FIRST 5K (Miles for Moffitt) and placed 21st out of 52 without even doing any running training (boot camp must be doing something right). Pretty exciting!

All I want to say to others is…if you have to start somewhere, Get a Grip is the perfect place if you want to combine fitness with fun. I just turned 50 years old and I look and feel younger than ever. Thanks, Carrie for helping me get into the best shape and for helping me make great choices when it comes to my health.

Get a Grip totally ROCKS! (Sean Rocks, too)

Ron, Me, Sean, and Jen at Miles for Moffitt!

Sean’s FIRST 5K at age 50!!! SO Proud of him! He is a HUGE inspiration to others!