by Get a Grip Total Fitness | Motivation, Spotlight Stories
I won’t forget when Kameron started boot camp. He came to the camp with just “Girls” at the time. He was quiet, but the girls wouldn’t have it. They amused him and encouraged him all the same breathe. The group was very tight, but we had a...
by Get a Grip Total Fitness | Random
We had KILLER results in this Year’s “Hot for the Holidays” Contest! They… A tradition I’ve done forever to help people keep off the 7-13lb average weight gain through the holidays from Thanksgiving day to New Year’s Day OFF! This...
by Get a Grip Total Fitness | Motivation, Spotlight Stories
Did I mention I love these Spotlights? I have the most amazing people who attend my camps and studio! Lori O’Brien is one of them for sure. She has been with me since South Tampa Boot Camp started. She is what I call one of my “staples.” I can always count on her to...