by Get a Grip Total Fitness | Contests, Random, Spotlight Stories
We had 58 participants this year for our Annual Summer Slim Challenge. The Results were Amazing! Everyone is a winner, as EVERYONE had some kind of improvement. So proud of them all. Here is the TOP 3 challengers… 1st Place: CJ & Angela They...
by Get a Grip Total Fitness | Motivation, Random, Spotlight Stories
Poor Sandra is always on spotlight with me. She is such a trooper with me and her height jokes. She is the cutest little 4’11 person I ever seen. But, seriously she is just a gem. She is full of determination and watching her over the last year has given even me...
by Get a Grip Total Fitness | Contests, Motivation
This is Definitely the Most Active and Best Results Contest we have run in the last 4 YEARS! Congratulations to EVERYONE! We RAISED $1200.00 For Fred’s Daughter Cause – thanks from Fred and the Get a Grip Family for helping make a difference! We lost as a...